Jonah 1:77, Mathhew 12:40-41, Act 9:1-9
IN my gospel research, I often put Jonah the prophet of God who tried to destroy God’s command when God sent him on an errand to Nineveh the capital of the great empire of Assyria, Israel deadly enemies, even as people of today pay deadly attention to God’s word and commandments Compare to southerners Kaduna and Bornu as if you were sent there to tell Boko Haram, herdsmen, and kidnappers to stop their evil act while you are in the knowledge these people are deadly, destructive and are people who refused blindly to fear God and stop shedding blood of innocent children of God.
Jonah knew the situation in Nineveh, he was afraid and refused to listen to the voice of his God to go, most of you serve God with the lip of your mouth without standing firm in a critical time to serve the living God and pray to him faithfully for God to solve problems of this nation to avoid the wickedness of the people in high places like God also decided that no other person would go there than Jonah so is God choosing you for this country Nigeria to come together pray and stop the ministry of the wicked in this country of ours from operating against our freedom.
He had conviction that God will not carry out his threat to destroy the city if he goes to deliver the message.
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Here you can imagine God’s absolute sovereignty over his creations, above all, it portrays God as God of love and mercy who will rather forgive and save even the enemies of his people, than punish and destroy them.
God must send Jonah his prophet Nineveh that great city to go and cry against it for their wickedness has come up before God. Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of God and he went to Joppa which way are you running here and there this church gathering and that church you cannot stay at a place to serve God and be blessed
Jonah boarded a ship to Tarshish and paid the due for the journey, children of God set yourself on motion to the right way of doing the will of God. There is no way Jonah would have escaped the presence of God because God who is everywhere knows were Jonah was hiding disturbed the ship in a high great tempest arose so the ship was likely to be broken the mariners were afraid and finally discovered that Jonah was the reason the ship was endangered.
Jonah was cast into the sea were a prepared fish by God swallowed him Matthew 12:40 he remained in the whale’s belly for three days and three nights the fish took Jonah to Nineveh through water and vomited him this has shown us how God is greater than human being. Even as Saul blindness shocked saul himself
Imagine the killers of God’s children who went to the high priest and ask for a letter of authority to go to Damascus down the synagogues of God’s people to kill and make full slaughter of people. But on his way the God of all creations met him and flashed a light of blindness. Let’s change from our wicked ways and worship God in spirit and in truth. God bless you all.
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